Zappelbär Search Game, Arosa
31 January 2022
On behalf of @Arosa Bergbahnen, we have developed one of the first and currently only staged search games for winter sports enthusiasts in the Tschuggen area. The fidget bear search game creates another attraction format around the theme of bears in the all-year-round destination of Arosa.
The young snow sports enthusiasts help the fidgety bear to get tired during a post run with skis or a snowboard and finally get some rest for the winter.
At the individual wind- and weatherproof posts, the aim is to collect stamps in the form of punches. Once all the stamps have been collected on the game card, the fidget bear is ready for winter rest and the children receive a fine reward in the Tschuggenhütte or Brüggerstuba restaurants.
Die neun hochwertig inszenierten und liebevoll ausgestaltete Posten des Bären-Suchspiel vereinen Wissensvermittlung, Sinneserlebnisse (Klang, Haptik, etc.) und Motorik Aufgaben in einem Such- und Rätselspiel.
Zappelbär Search Game, Arosa